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For Your Dog

The message that your dog is suffering from a tumour is shocking is absolutely shocking and devastating. And even if the message could be processed correctly, you have to decide on a suitable treatment method and this has to be done often with a quick decision.

We know how difficult this time can be for you and your dog.

Making the right decision

This is easier said than done. Friends who have gone through something similar give tips and recommend treatments. The veterinarian may not know for sure whether it is a benign tumour or really a malignant cancer. And the Internet comes along with a flood of information and foreign words.

Stay calm and breathe deeply. Don't let medical terms unsettle you. Wait for the final diagnosis of your quadruped and then make a well-considered decision.

Is it a tumour or cancer?

The word "tumour" has a negative meaning for us. Basically, a tumour is nothing more than a swelling of the tissue. A bump, after one has pushed oneself, is in principle also first a tumor. This term therefore says nothing about the benign or malignant nature of the disease.

However, a benign tumour located on certain organs can also become dangerous. The type of tumour is also decisive.

Malignant tumours are referred to as cancer. In medicine, this means that cells are subject to uncontrolled growth and can spread throughout the body. This can lead to disturbances and damage.

Different types of tumours

Which treatment method is most suitable for your dog depends above all on the type of tumour your pet is suffering from. The stage of the tumour (determined during so-called tumour staging) also plays a role here.

Dendritic cell therapy for your dog

Dendritic cell therapy is a particularly gentle immune therapy that can be used to treat benign and malignant tumours in your dog. By strengthening the immune system with the body's own cells, your dog's body is stimulated to destroy the tumour cells. The quality of life of your four-legged friend can be improved and the life expectancy increased. Please get more information about our innovative treatment method.

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Fallbeispiele zur Behandlung mit der dendritischen Zelltherapie.