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For Vets

Dear colleague,

on this webside we have compiled some information about dendritic cell therapy.

Background information can be found under "Immunotherapy". There, we explain the benefits of dendritic cells in oncology / tumour treatment and the production of cells for dogs, cats and horses.

We have also compiled special information for dogs, cats and horses. The treatment itself is the same for all animal species, but in the different categories we present some detailed information.

Quality of life and performance

In addition to the focus on prolonging the life of tumour patients, the focus of the treatment is on maintaining and improving the quality of life. The quality of life and the success of the treatment are constantly monitored and regularly evaluated. The current evaluation can be found here. With the equine patient it depends also on the fact that you can recover your efficiency for the individual sport and leisure activity. Here too, dendritic cell therapy is a great help.

Application cases for dendritic cell therapy

Typically, the dendritic cell therapy is used after a surgical intervention to combat tumour cells supposedly remaining in the body or to reduce the risk of recurrence. In addition, dendritic cell therapy can be used to slow down the growth of an inoperable tumor and to stop or even reduce its size. Further information can be found at: Dendritic Cell Therapy

Further offer

We regularly present interesting case studies.

Detailed information on the samples is required for production and additional treatment options in connection with dendritic cell therapy.


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Fallbeispiele zur Behandlung mit der dendritischen Zelltherapie.